

When was the club formed?
It was formed almost 25 years ago and has grown in membership most years.

Is this a dating club?
Nope. You have got the wrong site. Try another search. Google is good!

Do I have to organise events?
No.   Well- you do actually- you do have to organise yourself to make contact with event organisers! And as time goes by- you may find you may like to organise an event of your interest.

I am shy but want to meet new people.
I think most of us have been in this space.
Have a look at the Newsletter page and see what catches your interest.
It will take an effort as everyone will be new to you.
But by the third event, you should find yourself among familiar faces.

Is there a committee?
Yes, there is a committee.
It consists of elected members, a chairperson, treasurer and others with particular responsibilities.
Their role is to assemble and post or email the monthly newsletter constructed at the monthly planning meeting by the members, keep membership records, organise the Xmas party, run the bank account, and ensure the smooth running of all administration of group business.